As part of the ‘Transforming Church. Together initiative, The Diocese of Bristol is keen to listen to people whose voices are not always heard. The Diocese is running a series of workshops for specific groups of people to provide space for discussion about specific issues and identities. The workshops will be structured around six focused questions that explore what the church does well and what needs to be improved. Anyone is welcome to attend any or a number of these any workshops:

  • Open workshop for all people:
    • 18-March 19:00-20:30
    • 06-April 11:00-12:30
  • Workshop for Black and minority ethnic people:
    • 24-Mar 11:00-12:30
    • 29-Mar 19:30-21:00
  • Workshop for LGBTQI+ people:
    • 22-Mar 19:30-21:00
    • 31-Mar 14:00-15:30
  • Workshop for disabled people:
    • 24-Mar 17:30-19:00
    • 26-Mar 10:30-12:00
  • Workshop for people with caring responsibilities:
    • 23-Mar 10:30-12:00
    • 31-Mar 19:30-21:00
  • Workshop for young people aged 14-19:
    • 15-Mar 18:00-19:30
  • Workshop for students:
    • 24-Mar 15:00-16:30

To confirm your place at one of these workshops, please email to access the Zoom code.

Thank you.

Transforming Church. Together. Online Workshops
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