Dear Friends
Greetings on this Palm Sunday!
During Lent we have been preparing works of love and self-sacrifice for the celebration of our Lord’s death and resurrection. Today we come together to begin this solemn Palm Sunday celebration in union with the Church throughout the world. Christ enters his own city to complete his work as our Saviour, to suffer, to die, and to rise again. May we journey with him in faith and love, so that, united with him in his sufferings, we may share his risen life.
Today, it was both humbling and indeed a privilege to have both churches open in our benefice to mark Palm Sunday as we prepare to journey through Holy Week as a worshipping community. As we read and listened to the Passion Reading, I was moved in an altogether different way this year, overwhelmed by the suffering of Christ through the lens of a pandemic world — where many have suffered and are still suffering. If there was ever a time when humanity needed to listen to God’s voice, ours is such a time — in the midst of many evils fossilised by hardened hearts. It is in this milieu we begin that arduous journey, with our Lord, to the cross. My heart feels heavy today, what about yours?
In this afternoon’s online service, Revd Barbara Sheppard reflected on the significance of Jesus riding on a donkey, as opposed to a stallion. Jesus, the embodiment of peace! What kind of Messiah (deliverer) have you been expecting this pandemic year? How have you responded to God as a follower of Jesus Christ in these difficult times? Have your hosannas and cheering stopped as we found ourselves thrust into the tailspin of covid-19? Perhaps, these are questions for all of us as we pause intentionally this Holy Week.
Thank you so much to all who contributed to our worship event: Revd Barbara Sheppard who led the service; Jenny B, Malcolm, Richard (readers); and Malcolm and Richard for playing for us! Many thanks to all who came along to this afternoon’s worship event. We thank God for the privilege of worshiping together as a community of believers!
This Holy Week we are offering daily prayers and worship online — why not journey with us?
Revd Cathy