Dear Friends
Happy Third Sunday of Easter!
Over the last year, many of our conversations have mostly revolved around covid-19, just as our pre-covid conversation for going on three years was around Brexit. This week, during my time off, I caught up with my family in Ghana and a couple of friends in Birmingham. Inevitably, a significant part of our conversation was around the pandemic… vaccines… emerging from lockdown… what might unfold over the next few months? And, as I write this I wonder what the conversation will be in, let’s say three years time?
But if Jesus showed up today, what conversation/s might he be interrupting? As I reflected on the bible passage (Luke 24:36-48), I could imagine Jesus saying this to us in our times, “Peace be with you” in whatever conversation he interrupted. It’s worth noting that it is in the milieu of a particularly difficult juncture in human history, that we, as followers of Christ, are called to not only proclaim the Easter message of our risen Lord, but to live out the Easter story every day of our lives.
It was wonderful to see a good number of people at our services across the benefice in the churches and online.
Many thanks to all who contributed at our worship event on zoom: Malcolm, Jean, Jenny B (readers), Brenda (prayers), Malcolm (music). Thank you to everyone who came along to this afternoon’s worship event. It’s such a blessing to come together as a worshipping community.
We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song!
Revd Cathy