Dear Friends

Happy August!

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4.19

Although I lived with my parents in Jerusalem, Israel during my primary school years, I lived away from home during my secondary school years at boarding school in the UK. And, indeed when I was at university in the States, I was often very homesick and would look forward to receiving the care packages my parents would send me. These would usually contain lovely goodies that reminded me of home.

When I attended Redcliffe Bible College in 2003-4, again my home church would send care packages to remind me of their prayers, support and love. Now, I send care packages to my family in Ghana – a hug in a box, so to speak. There is something comforting about unpacking items packed with concern and care, a reminder of a person’s remembrance of, and love for you.

I do think that God sent us a care package in the form of his son, Jesus Christ, who entered our world and offered humanity a different way of living. Following Jesus’ death and resurrection, God constantly shows us his care and concern through the thoughtful actions of others: hugs, cards, prayers, an invitation to a walk, cuppa or meal. And, the bible is full of nuggets which remind us of God’s incredible love for each and every one of us.

This month, I wonder how we might offer care and concern to others who might be struggling with loneliness, desolation or grief. Who might Jesus want to reach through us? May we be open to being used as God’s instruments of grace, love and peace. Or, perhaps, may we be open to receiving God’s comfort and strength through the love of others.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for journeying with me in my ministry in the benefice over the last five years. I have truly appreciated your support, love and prayers. A massive thank you to all those who have, and continue to, support the ministry and mission of All Saints and St Barnabas. Jesus reminds us, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” (Matthew 9. 37, 38). My prayers are with you as we continue to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in this generation, participating in all that God is doing in Gorse Hill and Ferndale.

Every blessing,
Revd Catherine Okoronkwo

Weekly Activities

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 am — Morning Prayer: Why not come along? It’s a fantastic way to start your day/week!
  • Wednesdays at 10 am, Coffee Mornings in Barney’s (St Barnabas) at 10.00am. Why not come along and join in the chat?
  • Wednesdays at 7 pm, (Fortnightly) — Contemplative Service: An opportunity for a quiet reflective service. Our next scheduled services are at All Saints Church on: 21/8, 4/9, 18/9, 2/10, 23/10, 6/11, 20/11, 4/12… Resume January 2025.
  • Saturdays 10-12 noon: St Barnabas Church is open on Saturdays. Refreshments offered. All are welcome!
  • Saturdays 10-11 am: Choir Practice at St Barnabas choir. Why not come along and join in! All are very welcome.
  • Sundays at 10 am — Public Worship: All are welcome to our act of worship on a Sunday mornings at All Saints Church and St Barnabas Church.

Dates for your Diary

  • Sunday, 18th August 12 noon: Benefice ‘Bring & Share’ Picnic Lunch (Vicarage Garden). It would be great to fellowship together. All are welcome.
  • Tuesday, 3rd September 2.30-4.30pm: Games, Tea and Chat! This new social group will meet in Barnies on the first Tuesday of each month. Cost of £1.00; all are welcome.

Discipleship Course

A discipleship course will run in the benefice in the autumn.  We will be continuing with the Pilgrim course, The Beatitudes (Book 4)

The scheduled dates are on Tuesdays 7.30-9 pm

  • Session 1: 24th September
  • Session 2: 1st October
  • Session 3: 8th October
  • Session 4: 15th October
  • Session 5: 22nd October 
  • Session 6: 29th October 

These sessions will be held at Brenda’s house (Thames Avenue). Any further information, please contact Brenda Young (

Autumn “knitting” Projects

Harvest: We will focus our knitting project this autumn on ‘Harvest’. You are invited to knit a sun (for a brooch or fridge magnet). This will go out in the October benefice magazine. For knitting patterns, please speak to Revd Barbara.
The bible verse for this project: “The LORD will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest.” (Psalm 85:12)


Life Events: Please pray for weddings, baptisms and funerals across the benefice. Pray for all the couples/families, and for the ministry teams involved in preparation sessions and visits:

  • Confirmation: Ashley (14/7)
  • Weddings/Renewals: Katie & Ryan (3/8) / Leanne & Kerry (24/8) David & Beverly (25/8)

Prayer Ministry: If you know anyone who would like to go on our Prayer Circle list, be prayed for at our Sunday services, and/or would like a phone call for a prayer — please contact Brenda Young (, our Lay Minister. Please note we do need express permission from people before they are put on any prayer lists. Thank you.

Pastoral Ministry: Please let Revd Cathy or Revd Barbara know if anyone would benefit from receiving a phone call or card from the ministry team (they do not need to attend church on Sundays, but should reside in the parishes of Gorse Hill and Ferndale). Many thanks.

Extended Home Communion: If you know anyone who would value receiving Holy Communion at home, please let Revd Cathy or Revd Barbara know. Thank you.

Notices for August 2024