Revd Gill recently took part in the ‘Sunday’ Programme on Radio 4 to discuss a project to translate the Bible into British Sign Language. In the programme, Revd Gill explains just how important it is for Deaf people to be
The ‘Star’ Project
Knitters across our Benefice have been busy crafting stars for our services in Advent at All Saints and St Barnabas Churches. Members of both congregations will be invited to pick a star, write the name of someone who
Remembrance Sunday 2021
Dear friends, At this afternoon’s Zoom service, Revd Judy spoke to us about various forms of Remembrance as we were commemorating Remembrance Sunday today. she explained about the form of remembrance which involved a follow up, acyion, and another form
Harvest Donations for Swindon Food Collective
This week we were able to donate 21 crates of food, toiletries and many packs of nappies to Swindon Food Collective. Thanks to the congregations of All Saints and St Barnabas Churches, to Poppies Nursery and to Ferndale Primary School
Poppies for Remembrance
Thank you to all those who have knitted and crafted poppies ready to go out with our November magazine! The poppies have been made into brooches. What do the different colours signify? Red is for blood and those lost in
Presentation for Revd Gill Behenna
Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” As we celebrate Gill Behenna’s 40th, Ruby Anniversary
Celebrating God’s Creation
Members of our Benefice have hand-crafted 155 flowers, animals and birds to celebrate God’s creation as we emerge from lockdown. These will go out with the July Benefice magazine. If you would like to be involved with future knitting
School Assembly on Friendship
This last month on Zoom I did an assembly for Ferndale school on the value of Friendship. I talked first about the meaning of friendship –I explained that, we were going to be thinking about what makes someone a good
Happy Fifth Sunday of Easter!
Dear Friends Happy Fifth Sunday of Easter! “The Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Go over to that carriage and stay close to it.” Philip ran over and heard him reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah. He asked him,
Happy Fourth Sunday of Easter!
Dear Friends Happy Fourth Sunday of Easter! “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well” — Julian of Norwich At our online service, Revd Barbara Sheppard spoke on Psalm 23, a